The European Researchers' Night and Science Week are back,
The online platform for registrations for the many activities planned for the European Night of the
Researchers and Science Week, for which this year the
collaboration of the Municipal Administration with Frascati Scienza, within the framework of the LEAF – heaL thE plAnet's Future project funded by the HORIZON-MSCA-2023-CITIZENS-01-01 programme of the European Commission, which will involve almost 2000 researchers in about twenty Italian cities.
From the website https://www.frascatiscienza.it/notte-europea-dei-ricercatori-2024/ you can simply choose between the program for everyone or the one dedicated to schools and then scroll through the hundreds of events distributed throughout Italy, being able to directly select Piacenza thanks to the filter by location. To illustrate the wide range of proposals, in the setting of the Open Laboratory of the former church of Carmine - which will be the hub of the events scheduled for Friday 27 September - the councilor for University and Research Francesco Brianzi, supported by representatives of all the entities involved in the organization of a day dedicated to both teachers and students, and to citizens who want to seize a precious opportunity for knowledge and in-depth study on highly specialized topics, but with a great impact on everyone's daily life.
"Thanks to the partnership with Frascati Scienza and the teamwork that sees
protagonists, in a network and in synergy with each other, the 2030 Sector of the Municipality and the various components of the scientific, academic, research and technological applications world in our territory – underlined Councilor Brianzi – we have built an agenda suitable for different age groups and a wide range of thematic interests. Just yesterday, in the virtuous path of the University Protocol signed last February together with the Polytechnic of Milan, the University of Parma, the Nicolini Conservatory and the Catholic University, in the Council, we approved a new agreement between the Municipality and Er.Go aimed at promoting the reception of university students and the attractiveness of our territory, as well as support for dissemination and promotion initiatives
of the academic culture that the same Researchers' Night falls into, also linked to the Stay Jude project co-financed by the Region, within the Emilia-Romagna law for the attraction and valorization of talents. Because the vocation and the innovative identity of our city, home to four universities and research centers of national level, is cultivated and strengthened also by making known to a wider audience the importance of the study and laboratory paths that originate and develop here, at the same time encouraging the orientation of the youngest also towards scientific and technological disciplines".