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Events (192)
- 12 ottobre 2024 | 08:00Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia
- 13 ottobre 2024 | 08:45Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia
- 26 ottobre 2024 | 09:00Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia
Other Pages (80)
- Ufficio e personale tecnico amministrati | Nicolini
Ufficio e personale tecnico amministrativo Direttore amministrativo Direttore di ragioneria Funzionari e assistenti amministrativi Operatori Ufficio e personale tecnico amministrativo INDIETRO AMMINISTRAZIONE TRASPARENTE Ufficio e personale tecnico amministrativo mail certificata DIRETTORE AMMINISTRATIVO dott.ssa Cremaschi Maria Cristina dott. Colombo Gian Marco ad interim Invia una mail DIRETTORE DI RAGIONERIA dott.ssa De Nicola Michela Invia una mail Agli uffici e alle strutture organizzative è preposto il direttore amministrativo, responsabile della gestione amministrativa, finanziaria, patrimoniale e contabile del Conservatorio. I suoi compiti sono esplicitati nell'art. 22 dello Statuto del Conservatorio “Giuseppe Nicolini”. Orario di ricevimento al pubblico dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 10:30 FUNZIONARI E ASSISTENTI AMMINISTRATIVI Ufficio stipendi e pensioni: Elda Molinaro, Antonella Garganese Invia una mail Ufficio giuridico amministrativo: Leonardo Calori invia una mail Segreteria attività artistica: Alfredo Rovella Invia una mail Amministrazione del personale: Antonella Garganese Invia una mail Ufficio contabilità, ricostruzioni e pensioni: Elda Molinaro Invia una mail Protocollo e didattica corsi accademici: Alessandro Milia, Celeste Simone Invia una mail Didattica corsi pre-accademici e ordinamento previgente: Domenica Modaffari Invia una mail Assistenza informatica invia una mail Funzionario di biblioteca : Irene Volpi invia una mail OPERATORI Ailincai Oltita Aloi Gabriella Bertozzi Lorenza Chiapponi Pietro Dentale Paola Escana Arianna Gambazza Lara Manica Emilia Minelli Michelina Opromolla Vincenza Pagano Giuseppe Panni Michela Polledri Gabriella Spotti Sonia Tenchini Daniela Tonello Sonia Valentini Francesco Zaccaria Angelo Operatori Funzionari e assistenti amministrativi Direttore di ragioneria Direttore amministrativo
- Home | Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Nicolini - Piacenza
Conservatory of Music Giuseppe Nicolini Piacenza NEWS BACHECA AMMISSIONI EVENTI AULE Home: Benvenuti We are proud of the prestige achieved over the years by the Giuseppe Nicolini Conservatory of Music and pleased to be able to offer a place where students and teachers can grow and enhance their talent. Every year we welcome creative and passionate students from all over the world. The Giuseppe Nicolini Conservatory of Music allows students to prepare professionally for their debut in the artistic sector. Whether you are already enrolled or considering enrolling, explore our website to find out about our programs, admissions procedures and much more. Home: Citazione Our Story In 1839 the Music School of Piacenza was officially born by the "Deputation of the Communicative Theater", today the Municipal Theater of Piacenza. The music school, after being housed starting in 1845 in the premises of the former convent of Sant'Agostino, reached its definitive headquarters in 1865 in an ancient cloistered monastery for women located in the Santa Franca district. In 1900 it changed its name to "Municipal School of Music", detaching itself from the theatrical institution, and in 1933 it was transformed into a Liceo Musicale, named after Giuseppe Nicolini, equal to the government conservatories. In 1977, with Law 663, the process of nationalization was concluded and the name was changed to a conservatory. Following the reform law n. 508/99 and subsequent decrees, the "Nicolini" Conservatory, recognized as a higher institute of musical studies and included in the Higher Artistic and Musical Education (AFAM) system, is the "primary seat of higher education, specialization and research in the artistic and musical sector" and carries out "correlated production activities" (L. 508/99, art. 2, c. 4) [1]. As such, it has acquired statutory autonomy and has launched, alongside the exhaustive statutory study paths, the new three-year first level and two-year second level courses, which allow for the acquisition of academic diplomas equivalent to the corresponding three-year and master's degrees. The progressive expansion of the Conservatory has allowed the "Nicolini" to acquire a pre-eminent role, making it the largest of the first circle conservatories around Milan (the others are those of Como, Brescia and Novara). This primacy has also been consolidated thanks to a top-notch teaching class which, in the past, has included musicians such as the tenor Gianni Poggi, the conductor and musicologist Alberto Zedda (later artistic director of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan), the violinist Fabio Biondi, to cite just a few examples, and which continues to the present day with teachers who attract students from all over Italy and even from abroad. Currently, the "Nicolini" -among other things, the only university entirely in Piacenza- can count on about a hundred teachers, of whom seventy-seven in the first level, three in the second level and around twenty contractors. Among the equipment available to the institute are three organs (among which that of the Salone, built in 1975, was for a long time the largest mechanical transmission organ in Italy), two Steinway grand pianos and numerous " mezza coda", a library which combines the normal school function with the conservation of valuable historical collections (often consulted by Italian and foreign scholars), as well as a professional multimedia station dedicated to recording, digital editing and audio post-production. Conservatorio di Musica Nicolini Piacenza Play Video “Amore e sdegno” Laboratorio di musica antica del "Nicolini" di Piacenza Play Video Orchestra di Fiati del Conservatorio G. Nicolini dir. DANIELE BALLEELLO Play Video "Conversazioni surreali" - Laboratori musicali a cura del Conservatorio di PC Play Video PAISIELLO Stabat Mater del Pergolese Play Video Omaggio a Max Roach - Massimiliano Rolff, Andrea Rea, Tony Arco Play Video L.V. Beethoven - Ottetto in mi bemolle maggiore Op.103 Play Video W.A.Mozart - Serenata in Do minore K388 Play Video W. A. MOZART Violin Sonata K.526 Marco ROGLIANO - Marco ALPI Play Video EVENTI SEMINARIO CHITARRA FEDERICA CANTA Sat, 05 Oct Piacenza 05 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 13:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia 05 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 13:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia Details MASTERCLASS CHITARRA MASSIMO Sat, 12 Oct Piacenza 12 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 19:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia 12 Oct 2024, 10:00 – 19:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia Details La canzone dei ricordi Sun, 13 Oct Piacenza 13 Oct 2024, 10:45 – 12:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia 13 Oct 2024, 10:45 – 12:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia Concerti della domenica Details Multiple Dates AUTUNNO CHITARRISTICO 2024 Sat, 26 Oct Piacenza 26 Oct 2024, 11:00 – 13:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia 26 Oct 2024, 11:00 – 13:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia Details MASTERCLASS ERASMUS FLAUTO RAQUEL DÍAZ ESQUIVA Mon, 28 Oct Piacenza 28 Oct 2024, 10:30 – 30 Oct 2024, 17:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia 28 Oct 2024, 10:30 – 30 Oct 2024, 17:00 Piacenza, Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italia docente del Conservatorio Superior de Música “Manuel Massotti Littel” di Murcia (Spagna) Details Contacts Contact us today to find out more about our admissions process, faculty, training opportunities, and more. Via Santa Franca, 35, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italy 0523 384345 First name Address E-mail Telephone Object Message Submit Your form has been submitted!
- Contatti | Nicolini
CONTACT US Contact us today to find out more about our admissions process, faculty, training opportunities, and more. Telephone E-mail 0523384345 social media First name Last name E-mail Message Submit Thank you for writing us! CONTACTS OPENING TIME Monday Saturday 8:00 – 20:00 Giuseppe Nicolini Conservatory of Music Via Santa Franca 35 - PIACENZA 29121 (Italy) Tel. 0523 384345 Teaching Academics: Old system didactics and preparatory courses: Seq. Artistic: Seq. Administrative: Personal office: PEC address: Gianna Arvedi President of the Conservatory: Maria Grazia Petrali Director of the Conservatory: Marco Alpi Deputy Director of the Conservatory: Alessandra Garosi, Andrea Toschi, Ivan Maliboshka, Laura Beltrametti, Lorenzo Sivelli, Luciano Cavalli, Maria Grazia Petrali, Marcello Valentini, Mario Giovannelli, Paolo Burzoni, Patrizia Florio Academic Board: Gianna Arvedi, Maria Cristina Cremaschi, Milena Tibaldi, Diego Romani, Maria Grazia Petrali Board of Directors: Adriano Ricci, Federico Marzaroli, Francesco Brianzi, Ivan Maliboshka, Lorenzo Sivelli Council of Conservatory students: Evaluation team: dr. Davide Galli, President: dr. Pierpaolo Triani, Member: Prof. Patrizia Radicchi, Member: Auditors: Cinzia Morezzi, representing the MEF: Dr. Elisa-Leyla Al-Qaisi, representing the MUR: