Piacenza International Call for Scores 2024 Il Conservatorio “G. Nicolini” di Piacenza bandisce una Call for Scores dedicata alla composizione per ensemble di studenti.
Piacenza International Call for Scores 2024 Second Edition
The “G. Nicolini” Conservatory of Piacenza announces a Call for Scores dedicated to composition for student ensembles.
The call is open to composers of any age and nationality, who must send a piece for ensemble (from 8 to 11 performers) with a maximum duration of 10 minutes.
The deadline for submitting scores is 08/31/2024. The commission will select a maximum of 5 pieces that will be performed in concert by the Nicolini Contemporary Ensemble by December 2024.
There is no registration fee.
The available staff and the complete regulation can be consulted at the following link: REGULATION
Please be advised that the selected scores will be communicated
dated 05/10/2024.
The new deadline for submitting parts is postponed to 10/12/2024.
The State Conservatory of Music “Giuseppe Nicolini”
is pleased to announce that 74 composers from different continents
participated in the Call For Scores 2024.
The selected composers are:
Daniel Badecki - Poland
Louis Comblin - Belgium
Martin Letelier - Chile
The "G. Nicolini" Conservatory of Piacenza announces a Call for Scores dedicated to composition for student ensemble.
The call is open to composers of any age and nationality, who may submit a piece for ensemble (8 to 11 performers) lasting up to 10 minutes.
The deadline for submitting scores is August 31st, 2024.
The committee will select a maximum of 5 pieces to be performed in concert by the Nicolini Contemporary Ensemble by December 2024.
There is no entry fee. The available staff and the complete regulation can be consulted at the following link: REGULATION
- The notification of the selected works is postponed to October 5th 2024
- The deadline for the submission of the individual
parts by the selected composers is postponed to October 12th 2024.